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Young Buddhist Association

The Wailuku Hongwanji Young Buddhist Association (YBA) was organized by Reverend Tetsuzan Funakura in January 1903. The purpose of organizing the group was to further the interest in the Buddha’s teachings among the younger members. Throughout the years, Reverend Kagetsu Shibata and Reverend Seiya Kai directed the YBA members. Reverend Kai expanded the YBA program to include non-religious activities such as sports, the formation of a concert band and other activities.

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Wailuku Hongwanji Mission established its preschool in 1962 to provide care and guidance for the children of the Wailuku Hongwanji members, and to introduce and promote an understanding of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. The first class included about ten children. The preschool is now open to the general public and operates year-round, with an enrollment of about 45 children and a qualified staff including a director, certified early childhood teachers, and teachers’ aides. The preschool continues to serve the families of temple members and the general public by providing a quality program in early childhood education, and allowing working parents to meet the economic needs of their families.

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61st Annual Honpa Hongwanji Judo Federation State Championship

On October 7, 2023, the Wailuku Hongwanji Judo club participated in the 61st Annual Honpa Hongwanji Judo Championships held at the Hilo Hongwanji Mission in Hilo, Hawaii. The tournament had been postponed for three years due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Twenty-four judokas from the Wailuku Hongwanji Judo Club participated in the tournament and represented the club well. All in all it was a fun weekend with fellowship and seeing acquaintances again

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In 1930, Wailuku Hongwanji Japanese Language School required all male students to participate in some physical education activity. Sumo and judo were offered as electives. The male teachers all participated as instructors. Mr. Tadaichi Fukunaga, Reverend Shoten Matsubayashi, and Reverend Suijo Kabashima were primary instructors. Classes were held on Saturday mornings and in the evening during the week.

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According the Hawaii Kyodan’s Centennial Booklet, Wailuku Hongwanji Gakuen (Japanese Language School) was established in 1906 and served 126 pupils from the first through ninth grades. Reverend Funakura started the Gakuen, using the temple as the classroom.

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cub scouts

Cub Scouts

Pack 40 is one of the largest and best run Cub Scout packs in Maui County. Since 1948, the Wailuku Hongwanji Mission has consistently supported Pack 40 in its long tradition of excellence in scouting, building the character of our youth, and training the future leaders of tomorrow. Cub Scouts range in age from 6 to10 years old.

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Through the leadership efforts of Mrs. Yukiko Tanaka, Mrs. Natsuyo Hayase, Mr. Robert Matsushita, and others, the Wailuku Hongwanji Mission Choir was organized in June 1970. Mr. Lance Jo served as choir director in the mid-1970s. During the centennial of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii in 1989, choir members participated with members of other Hongwanji temples around the state.

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Buddhist Women’s Association

The Wailuku Hongwanji Bukkyo Fujinkai was founded in March 1905 during the term of the second resident minister, Reverend Tessan Funakura. The fourth resident minister, Reverend Kagetsu Shibata, expanded and strengthened the organization. With an increase in English-speaking members, Reverend Ryugen Matsuda organized a “sister” organization, the Bodhi Club in 1939. In 2003, the Fujinkai changed its name to Wailuku Hongwanji Buddhist Women’s Association (BWA) to correspond to the name of the State organization, the Hawaii Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations.

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Boy Scouts

Six adult leaders and nine enthusiastic young men banded together in February 1937 and with the blessing of Reverend Hironori Nishii, organized Boy Scout Troop 40. The troop is one of the oldest and largest scouting units in Maui County, and has produced many Eagle Scouts.

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Dharma School

In 1909, Reverend Seiya Kai strongly felt the importance of “Nichiyo Gakko” and established a Sunday School for the Wailuku Hongwanji youth. The Sunday School depends largely on volunteer help teach the Dharma to the students. Throughout the years, there have been countless number of volunteers who have instilled the infinite compassion of the Amida to younger generations. The Sunday School students also participated in various programs such as the annual Fujimatsuri picnic and Hanamatsuri program. Current teachers include Joan Tamori, Sandy Hirata and Wayne Nishida.

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