cub scouts

Cub Scouts

Pack 40 is one of the largest and best run Cub Scout packs in Maui County. Since 1948, the Wailuku Hongwanji Mission has consistently supported Pack 40 in its long tradition of excellence in scouting, building the character of our youth, and training the future leaders of tomorrow. Cub Scouts range in age from 6 to 10 years old. They participate in various fun activities from astronomy to volleyball to earn badges and belt loops. The pack also runs special events such as the Pinewood Derby, Space Derby, Raingutter Regatta, camping and hiking activities, and community service projects. Many of the Cub Scouts continue in the Boy Scouts of America program and join Wailuku Hongwanji Mission’s Troop 40 Boy Scouts when they are in the sixth grade.

On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

Recent Stories

Pack 40 families hiked the Kapalua Coast Trail in late January
Cub Scouts held the annual pine wood derby Cubscout hosted Scout Sunday. The Cubscouts made a salmon lunch and strawberry shortcake dessert. Congratulations to Ryan ...
Cub Scout 2502
Pack 40 Cub Scouts held an annual holiday party with games, dinner and a secret Santa gift exchange. They also volunteered at Hale Makua singing ...
Cub Scouts FAll Activities
In November, our Cub Scout Pack had the privilege of participating in the exciting Cast Iron Chef activity, led by Chef Carl Yeh. The Webelos ...
Pack 40 had an exciting fall, full of outdoor fun and community engagement. In September, scouts gathered at Makani Olu Ranch for the Welcome Back ...
cub scout summer carnival
In a spirit of community and joyful engagement, Cub Scout Pack 40 recently hosted a delightful summer carnival, bringing together individuals and families from various groups ...
The Cub Scouts recently took part in a community cleanup effort, contributing to a cleaner and more welcoming environment. In addition to their hard work, ...