
Celebrating Obon

Namo Amida Butsu

The Wailuku Hongwanji Mission’s annual Obon service and dance, a cherished event in our community, is scheduled for August 2 and 3 this year. We encourage everyone to mark these dates on their calendars and to share this important information with family and friends. All are welcome to join in our services and festivities

During the service, I will chant the “Amida Sutra,” a key text in Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. This sutra vividly describes the Pure Land of Amida, a realm where all beings have the potential for rebirth and enlightenment. The sutra begins with the phrase, “Thus I have heard,” and recounts how Shakyamuni Buddha explained the Pure Land to his disciple Shariputra. The description is rich with imagery: “Westward from here and beyond ten billion Buddha-lands, there is a world called Utmost Happiness. In this land, a Buddha named Amida is currently teaching the Dharma. The beings in this realm experience no suffering and enjoy only pleasures. Therefore, the land is called Sukhavati. Its lakes, filled with water imbued with eight meritorious qualities, are surrounded by golden sand, and the stairs are made of precious materials. The lotus flowers in these lakes, in colors of blue, yellow, red, and white, are exquisite and fragrant.”

While no one has yet visited this Pure Land except Amida Buddha, we can experience a reflection of it here in our temple. The beauty and serenity of our altar symbolize the Pure Land and offer us spiritual peace and preparation. Each visit to the temple, each glimpse of the altar, and each breath of incense invites us into a moment of tranquility and spiritual connection.

 Attending temple services and engaging with the Dharma enables us to receive Amida Buddha’s wisdom and compassion, guiding us towards the Pure Land where we can attain eternal joy and enlightenment. The chanting of the Amida Sutra and the experience of our temple services help us connect with the profound teachings of Amida Buddha, allowing us to find peace and purpose in our daily lives. 

The annual Obon service is more than an opportunity to enjoy the Bon Dance. It is a time to reflect on the teachings of the Buddha and to remember and honor our loved ones with the guidance of the Nembutsu. We warmly invite you, your family, and our entire Ohana to join us at the temple for these meaningful services. Let us come together to experience the blessings of Amida Buddha through the Nembutsu

Namo Amida Butsu