Sakura 4-H Clubs – The Clover Report

The Clover Corner

Aloha Girls: Grades 2-3 Leaders: Farron Cabral & Krystle Beauchamp 

Lōkahi Girls: Grades 4-5 Leaders: Sammy Takamura & Farron Cabral 

Malama Dolphins: Grade 6 Leaders: Emi Orikasa & Jill Maki`i 

What is 4-H? 4-H is a nationally recognized program aimed at providing life skills and munity engagement amongst our youth that also promotes leadership skills and provides opportunities for lifelong learning and friendships. Through hands-on learning, our members gain confidence in public speaking and build positive relationships. 4-H stands for: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health and are the cornerstones of the program. 

Interested in learning more about 4H? email:

To Make the Best Better

I pledge My Head to clearer thinking,
 My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger 
and My Health to better living for my club,
my community, my country, and my world.

The Mālama Dolphins are now the Friends Forever club, they were busy in October recycling cans and bottles and had their 3rd club meeting for this year. They also learned new food preparation techniques and practiced knife skills to make easy game day pupus of taco dip and turkey rolls.

 October brought a unique opportunity for our 4-Hers this year as we joined the Scouts annual Trunk or Treat Event. Along with the scouts, our members dressed up in Halloween costumes and had goblins of fun. There were aliens, villains and heroes of all ages, a costume contest, games and of course yummy treats! The Sakura Clubs Thank both Scout groups for hosting such a wonderful night for both kids and parents alike! 

On November 3rd the Sakura Clubs had their inaugural 4-H Sunday Service with special guest speakers, Nancy Ooki, Maui County 4-H Agent and Karylnn Fukuda, 4-H alumni and current leader of the Maui Girls 4-H club. Karlynn spoke of her days in 4-H, the hard work put into the annual Fashion Show, Teach-in demonstrations and being selected as one of the delegates to represent Hawaii at the National 4-H Conference in Chicago. We especially liked seeing the pictures of many familiar 4-H alumni. 

After refreshments hosted by our clubs we held our officers and members induction ceremony. Junior members pledged to accept their officer responsibilities for their clubs while Cloverbuds and new members pledged to uphold the 4-H values to the best of their ability and “Make the Best Better.”

 The Sakura Clubs would like to thank the Mission and its members for your past support of the 4-H program. The legacy left behind by previous members and leaders serves as inspiration for what we want to see in our children and clubs. We thank the Mission for its continued example as a leader in our community. We also thank Sensei, Sharon and the Board for supporting this new relationship between the Mission and our clubs. 4-H Sunday was a time to celebrate the values of head, heart, hands, and health that guide our 4-H members and leaders. May we continue to open our minds and hearts to the teachings of compassion, mindfulness, and community.