Minister’s Lay Assistant Retreat

The HHMH Ministerial Training Committee will host the Annual Minister’s Lay Assistant Retreat at Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin on October 12-13, 2024. This event is for Minister’s Lay Assistants and Certified MLAs working with their minister mentors. The retreat will focus on enhancing MLA knowledge and skills and will feature instructors including Rev. Dr. Jeff Wilson, Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani, Rev. Blayne Higa, Rev. Jeffrey Soga, Rev. Kojun Hashimoto, Rev. Daido Baba, and Dr. Dexter Mar. Registration details will be shared with temple ministers and leaders soon. Neighbor island attendees may qualify for a travel subsidy. Interested individuals not yet designated as MLAs should consult their temple minister for the process. We look forward to your participation in this valuable event.