Jr. YBA Convention

The 2024 Jr. Young Buddhist Association Convention was held this year from June 21-23 on the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii, and was a memorable event that brought together young Buddhists from throughout the state. Hosted at Wailuku Hongwanji, this year’s convention embraced the theme “Reach for the Stars,” encouraging participants to strive for excellence and growth in their spiritual and personal lives. 

The convention began on Friday afternoon with attendees arriving and gathering at Wailuku Hongwanji for an opening service. This was followed by a trip to Ultimate Air, a trampoline park, where participants enjoyed an evening of energetic fun and camaraderie. The night ended with free time at the hotel, where the Jr. YBA of the Year Contest began, highlighting some of our exceptional members. 

Saturday’s activities began early, with the first General Assembly, featuring discussions on the Jr. YBA’s mission and future initiatives. This was followed by a convention photoshoot by the beach, which was in turn followed by an inspiring keynote address from Councilmember Yuki Lei Sugimura. Her speech emphasized the importance of youth leadership and community involvement, resonating deeply with the audience. 

The second General Assembly in the afternoon continued with the items of interest begun in the first assembly, along with other business, such as a choice of organization to support for HBY month. The day culminated with a trip to Haleakala, where attendees witnessed an incredible sunset from the summit. This experience was both awe-inspiring and reflective, perfectly capturing the convention’s aspirational theme. 

Sunday began with an early checkout from the hotel and a final gathering at Wailuku Hongwanji. The day’s events included a moving Sunday Service, featuring an oratorical contest where members shared personal stories and insights on Buddhist teachings, and how they related, in turn, to the theme of reaching for the stars. Following the service, a Model United Contest took place, and the convention concluded with a closing service and the installation of new officers, ensuring the continuity of leadership within the Jr. YBA. 

The 2024 Junior YBA Convention strengthened the bonds among young Buddhists and inspired them to pursue their dreams with determination and compassion. The experiences and friendships gained from this event will be valuable tools for future endeavors. Congratulations to the following contest winners from the 67th Jr. YBA State Convention: 

  • Jr. YBA of the Year, Riho Umitani 
  • Jr. YBA of the Year Runner Up, Emma Fujikawa 
  • Essay Contest Winner, Chihiro Okawa with essay titled “Reaching for the Stars: A Journey in Astrophysics and Self-Discovery” 
  • Art Contest Winner, Emma Fujikawa • Oratorical Contest Winner, Yuma Kamuro