In August 2024, through a joint statement from Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani and Hawaii Kyodan President Dr. Warren Tamamoto, the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii launched its new Living Gratitude Program. This fundraising effort provides funding for Dharma educational programs for members and the broader community. Technology-based innovation will serve as tools to expand Honpa Hongwanji’s reach, while other projects to sustain and strengthen Hawaii Kyodan’s operations will be developed.
While our founding members built our temple and Dharma-centered infrastructure and facilities, the Living Gratitude Program serves a parallel mission to provide lasting benefits to future generations through program development and implementation. Monies raised will ensure that our Shin Buddhist values continue to touch each one of us in daily living.
We encourage members of Wailuku Hongwanji to make a donation to the Living Gratitude Program using the form provided in this newsletter.