Fukunaga Dana Award Presentation

One of the most prestigious recognitions a member may receive from our temple is the Tadaichi Fukunaga Dana Award. This award is presented to members who have demonstrated sustained selfless and compassionate actions. Established in 1982, the award is named after Tadaichi Fukunaga, who was known for his dedication to the Shin Buddhist value of Dana (Selfless giving). Mr. Fukunaga served as a temple officer and director of our temple, and as an advisor to the Honpa Hongwanji of Hawaii.

To qualify for this award, a member must be an active and contributing member of the Sangha, participates in community organizations, regularly attends Sunday and major services, practices the Buddhist teaching of Dana, helps propagate the Buddhist teachings, listen to the Dharma, and contributes to his/her temple, family and community.

Recent Award Recipients include:

• 2023: None Presented due to Maui Wildfires
• 2022: Ronald Fukumoto
•2021: Eric Ikeuchi
• 2020: None Presented due to COVID 19 Pandemic
• 2019: Hideo Kawahara & Betty Yamashiro

Please join us on January 18, 2025 at our annual Sokai and Shinnenkai to congratulate the 2024 awardee.