Thank you

New Year’s Party Thank Yous

Happy New Year to everyone!

 I would like to recognize the many members who helped make our Sokai Party a success. 

A very special thanks goes out to Paul and Susan Gushiken for always accepting to help me out year after year and for creating their delicious dishes. I am very grateful for their unwavering support. 

I also want to acknowledge the following: Wayne and Sandy Matsuda for chairing the pupu section and drinks; Faith Tengan for hosting the dessert section and for being a “go to” person; Gwen Hiraga and BWA ladies for providing salads and desserts; Fred and Arlene Toyama, Richard Ouchi, Jeremy Cabral, Jason Toba, Paul and Julie Petro, and Tyler and Caden Orikasa for prepping and cooking; Cathy Ikeuchi for cutting the sashimi with expert arrangement on platters; Eric Ikeuchi, Danny Topp, Mike and Lori Munekiyo, Franklin Hamasaki, Gary Murai, Janet Kubota, Sandy and Wayne Matsuda, and Tamara Manley for coming on Friday afternoon to arrange the chairs and tables including covering them; Emi and Cara Orikasa and Sammy Takamura for decorating the podium and Mike and Lori Munekiyo, Sandy Matsuda, Faith Tengan, Eric and Cathy Ikeuchi, and Sammy Takamura for decorating tables on Saturday morning; Eric Ikeuchi for doing all the odds ‘n ends jobs that helped me a lot; Danny Topp for handling all the audio visual needs; Tamara Manley for emceeing the dinner program and Janet Kubota, Sharon Higa, and Sandy Hirata for taking care of the lucky numbers and prizes. 

A huge mahalo goes out to WHM member, Kawika Beauchamp, for his exciting and fantastic fire dance and to Kyle Ginoza for humorously conducting his wonderful magic trick performance. 

At one point we were worried about running out of food and drinks because there were many extra bodies who were not accounted for. Certain items went out fast, so when the crew got a chance to eat, certain items were gone. In the future, it is hoped that people sign up in time so an appropriate estimation of food can be planned for. I was told that only 130 signed up, however, we have always added on extra numbers to have more than an adequate amount of food.

 Thank you to my wife, Joan, for helping me out with the planning, configuring the quantities of ingredients, and organizing jobs for the kitchen crew. 

Six years ago, when I accepted being the food chair for the Sokai Party, my intention was to get the Dharma School parents involved to foster a friendly relationship among each other, other church members and the church organization. The kitchen becomes lively with collaboration and camaraderie! I would like to express my gratitude to the many Dharma School parents who volunteered this year and those who have helped in the past years. Mahalo!