The Clover Report July 2024

The Clover Corner

Aloha Girls: Grades 2-3 Leaders: Farron Cabral & Krystle Beauchamp 

Lōkahi Girls: Grades 4-5 Leaders: Sammy Takamura & Farron Cabral 

Malama Dolphins: Grade 6 Leaders: Emi Orikasa & Jill Maki`i 

What is 4-H? 4-H is a nationally recognized program aimed at providing life skills and munity engagement amongst our youth that also promotes leadership skills and provides opportunities for lifelong learning and friendships. Through hands-on learning, our members gain confidence in public speaking and build positive relationships. 4-H stands for: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health and are the cornerstones of the program. 

Interested in learning more about 4H? email:

Congratulations Sakura 4-H Club members, leaders and families for an outstanding year! 

Together the clubs celebrated their accomplishments throughout this club year at the 1st Annual Sakura Achievement held in the social hall. Aloha Girls were in charge of invitations and food potluck, the Loka- hi Girls worked hard on decorations and setup while the Malama Dolphins led the program and games. All clubs presented and narrated their slideshows that share their accomplishments for the past year. Celebrations ended in the Temple where the 4-H members were presented certifi- cates by Reverend Murakami to close the Achievement Ceremony. 

All groups will soon begin prepara- tions for the new 4-H year and look forward to selecting project topics for the new 4-H year and the new incoming club for grades K-1. Sakura 4-H would like to Thank the Mission, Members, other Affiliates and Community for their support this past year. 

In Other happenings, the Mālama Dol- phins went to the Maui Alpaca Farm for our end of year celebration. They learned all about Suri and Huacaya Alpacas while feeding and petting them. They also learned about Angora Rabbits and were able to hold them while petting their soft and fluffy fur. The Dolphins even helped brush out their fur using a special tool and watched how the fur was spun into yarn us- ing a spinning wheel.

To Make the Best Better

I pledge My Head to clearer thinking,
 My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger 
and My Health to better living for my club,
my community, my country, and my world.