Have you noticed? When we send reminders about gojikai, we often use the term “membership dues.” In Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, gojikai refers to contributions that support the temple. While both terms are interchangeable, younger members typically say “membership dues” or just “dues.” Each January, we remind members to renew their dues for the year. These contributions are essential for funding religious services, educational programs, events, and maintaining temple facilities. A portion is also sent to Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii to cover our temple’s assessment, which in 2024 totaled $37,713—or $153.30 per member (family).
Suggested Dues: To help members decide their contributions, the board offers these guidelines:
• Households with two or more members: $20–$30 per month.
• Single-member households: $12–$15 per month.
Members are encouraged to contribute an amount that fits their financial ability. No one will be excluded from membership based on their dues.
Why It Matters Paying dues is more than a financial contribution; it symbolizes your commitment to Wailuku Hongwanji Buddhist Temple and its mission. Your support sustains our programs, services, and initiatives, ensuring the Dharma continues to thrive. A breakdown of member contributions for 2024 is on the right. Thank you for your generosity and dedication to our temple and