

In May, the WHM dharma school hosted an intergenerational “Enlightenment Game” using a very modified escape room idea. The goal was to “escape” from location to location on the temple campus by completing questions. Created to reinforce dharma lessons learned, a way to become acquainted with some lesser-known areas of the temple campus, and being in a “family” with different age members, were impetuses for this activity. With months long planning to fine tune the game, older students (grades four to high school) and teachers, convened to create dharma questions categorized into “easy” and “difficult” questions for the game and to prepare materials and make signs.

On game day, teachers organized five groups (each group assigned a color) comprised of: dharma school students, adult temple members, senior adults 65 years or older, and a mom or dad 25 years or older. Risa, Logan, and Kellen gave out oral directions of the game and quickly joined their groups after. Groups came up with their group name and picked a recorder.

After reading their first clue, groups were off to find their first location, answer questions, and proceed to the next location by reading its clue. No cellphones and internet use were allowed while playing the game. Rev. Murakami moved from place to place in his group, sometimes wanting to help with answers, but asked not to. Comments like “I didn’t know about this place” or “I would have never known about that” were heard from members.

Danny Topp, verifying “time in” and checking answers, announced that the BLUE DOLPHINS, SQUISHY PANDAS, TEAM RED, and TEAM EVA came in with either one or two errors out of ten questions, while the GREEN DRAGONS were the victors with all correct! All group members were awarded with prizes. Thank you to dharma school parent, Krystle Beauchamp, for also donating prizes. Fun, group interaction, and walking the campus made for an exciting and unique learning experience for all!

As the Community Temple, we are here to serve both temple members and non-members alike. We are today, a 21st century organization