
Welcome to WHM


It is with immense joy and open hearts that we extend a heartfelt welcome to Mr. Dan Thompson, the newest member of our cherished Wailuku Hongwanji Mission family. We are truly delighted to have him amongst us.

Dan’s regular presence at our temple services has already brightened our sacred gatherings. His singing voice, resonating with beauty and grace, has added a melodious touch to our spiritual moments. We are deeply appreciative of his talents and the positive energy he brings to our community.

In embracing Dan as part of our Wailuku Hongwanji family, we look forward to sharing in the harmony of his voice and the warmth of his spirit. Together, let us continue to create a welcoming and nurturing environment where everyone’s unique gifts enrich our shared journey of faith and fellowship.

Once again, welcome, Dan! Your presence enriches our temple, and we are honored to have you with us.

As the Community Temple, we are here to serve both temple members and non-members alike. We are today, a 21st century organization